Monday 4 May 2015

food lab #6: Fish & chips

Fish & chips

  • What were some challenges you faced during your lab? How did you deal with them?

The fist challenge that we faced was the lack of communication! Me and my teammates didn't have enough communication so it was a hard job to organize everyone. The second challenge was that we " accidentally " fried our halibut first instead of our " try- fish". The last challenge and I think the hardest one was the lack of agreement on literally anything! Everyone had different ideas and it was hard to make all of them work at the same time!

  • I liked/Didn't Like… at home I could alter this food product by…
I, unfortunately, didn't like the size if the fish cuts and if I want to make it at home, I will make them a little bigger and also thinner. The fries were awesome but I didn't like the little potato fries! ( they were too hard to eat!). I would omit them and instead of them, I would make regular fries.
  • How can you transfer some of the concepts, skills, and procedures that you learn in this lab to new situations inside and outside the classroom.
In this lab, we learned how to work with hot _like really hot! oil which was the first time for me! ( we learned how to reduce the amount of oil splashes and also how to prevent it from burning!). Also we learned how to be quick- handed! because frying the fishes one after another was something that needed both speed and caution so it was a fun ting to experience and learn! and it is also really helpful because frying can come handy in many ways not only for fish!

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