Sunday 1 March 2015

food lab #2: Tacos


  • How can you transfer some of the concepts, skills, and procedures that you learn in this lab to new situations inside and outside the classroom?

In this lab, we learned how to work as a group for one goal so we divided all the work between ourselves and everyone had a role.(My role was to prepare the meat.) Being able to work in a group is a skill which can be used in many places now or in the future. Also, knife skills can be handy when you are preparing a meal at home. Knowing how to use knife will guarantee your health in the kitchen and also makes you look professional. I never had a chance to try Taco or any other Mexican food and it was a really good experience for me to learn how to make some! In addition, I now know what are the flavors used in Mexican food and it is interesting because now i can easily make them at home for my family. 

  • Who might be interested or enjoy your dish? Why or why not? Be specific. (example: children if colorful, etc...)
For sure, every one can enjoy this joyful meal but I think it is mostly desirable for people who like spicy food! Children will love this food because it is so colorful and cute! Most of Mexican people will love this food too, because it will remind them of their own country and maybe a taste of home! Also people who are worries about their weight can eat this food without calculating the calories or the amount of fat because this meal is full of vegetable and necessary vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. it is also so easy to prepare and fast so it is suitable for people who are always in hurry and want to take all the nutrition they need in a short time!
  • How can you add your own creativity to personalize the dish?
You can make this dish with different kinds of meat like pork or chicken!you can also make it all with vegetable which is a great choice for vegetarian people! As a Persian,i will make it with spices that are special and are only produced in Iran. Also, if I make it at home, I will probably add chopped herbs in meat to get new flavors. Also I can make the bread my self so I can garlic or herbs to it for more flavor!
  • Does this food remind you of any  family recipes? Which one? Talk about it.
Yes. My mom makes the same composition and then mixes them all in a pan( She adds different spices but at the end it tastes the same!)! we do not put it in a bread. We just make a sandwich if we want or just eat it with salad! I always thought salsa is a sauce but now i know it is same as Salad- Shirazi which we make often. The only different that these two have is that we add cucumber to Salad-Shirazi.

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