Tuesday 31 March 2015

food lab #4: Crepes


  • I liked/ Didn't Like… at home I could alter this food product by
I liked the idea of using berries to fill the crepes but I would like to add nuts and chocolate such as nutella to it for more flavor. Also, I would like to add more sugar to it because I like it to taste sweeter. I would fry my crepes in butter because it would taste better and also i like my crepes to be crispier. In my opinion, crepes will taste good with almost any fruit but I would like to try it with grapes and peaches. using honey to make it taste sweeter will be a both good and healthy idea too.
  • Culture of the dish . is it a ‘fusion’ dish?. Explain a bit about how this dish is traditionally used in the culture.
the word crêpe is French for pancake and is derived from the Latin crispus meaning “curled”. On February 2 crêpes are offered in France on the  holiday known as "Fête de la Chandeleur", "Fête de la Lumière", or “jour des crêpes”.  Not only do the French eat a lot of crêpes on this day, but they also do a bit of fortune telling while making them  It is traditional to hold a coin in your writing hand and a crêpe pan in the other, and flip the crêpe into the air.  If you manage to catch the crêpe in the pan, your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year.
  • What were some challenges you faced during your lab? How did you deal with them?
the process of frying the crepes was the hardest part because you needed to pour the liquid and then turn the pan at the same time for crepe to from a thin circle. Me and my teammate did a good team work and that was the solution to our problem. also flipping it after one side was cooked was a challenge because it was so thin so there was a chance for the crepe to be ripped off or stick to the other side. i used too wooden spoons to flip them and it worked perfect.the other challenge was to fill it because the berries had different sizes but with slicing them properly the problem was solved.

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